
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

The rating system I use is very much like the "five star" ratings most websites and agencies around the world use to rate their products.  However, instead of stars, I rate books in terms of how awesome they are.
And because I'm an optimist, all of the books I review have at least some shade of awesome in them, regardless of if they're, umm, notsogood.

  • Five: You need to drop everything you're doing to run out and buy this book.  Like, now.

  • Four: The book is fantastic and a must read.

  • Three: The book was a light, fun read.  Enjoyable, but not a deal breaker.

  • Two: There were some issues, but I'm not giving up on the author.

  • And one shade merits an eye roll for wasting my time.  Sorry, Charlie.

DNF: Did Not Finish is a rating that I will sadly give if the book just didn't hold my attention.